Access to our AI psychometric tools leverages opportunities to better understand beliefs, attitudes, and experiences in emotional environments.

Tool Capabilities Offer Step-by-Step Results In Case Studies

Researcher Application

Review the eligibility requirements to ensure that as a researcher, you fulfill the necessary conditions for free access. Fill out the application form provided below. After submitting the application, you might receive an acknowledgment or confirmation email. If not, consider following up after a reasonable period to inquire about the status of your application. The Assessdo team will review your application. Approval may take some time, as we typically assess applications based on their criteria and availability of resources for providing free access. Upon approval, you will likely receive further instructions on how to access Assessdo’s assessment tools for your research purposes. Once application is approved and template is uploaded into software, you will have 30 days from the time of active notification. Note that after the 30 days, your data will be stored in the Assessdo system, but will not be accessible. If you would like to register for an annual license all data will be restored under your profile ID.  For questions, please contact or contact (470) 737-4313. 

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Depending on the application requirements, you might need to attach supporting documents, such as a research proposal, institution verification, or any other materials that validate your need for the tool.
Clearly articulate why Assessdo's assessment tool is essential for your research. Highlight how it aligns with your research goals, what specific features or aspects of the tool are particularly relevant to your study, and how it will contribute to your research methodology or outcomes.

Research Template

Appraisal Template:  Researchers are provided a cognitive appraisal template to help easily and accurately insert key research points for their  study. The template can be downloaded in a fillable form.  Each template increases consistency by creating a framework for research. It also supports the researcher in being systematic while ensuring all important factors or considerations are taken into account.