H.E.L.P. Check-in System

Solving A National Problem for School Counselors and AP’s

School counselors and APs are essential in targeting support to students who need it most, but they often face information overload and large caseloads. Our early warning system provides “automated attention,” quickly identifying students who may need additional help, allowing counselors and stakeholders to focus on relationship-building. 

H.E.L.P. for Schools

Determined to make the jobs of administrators, counselors, and teachers easier, Assessdo’s H.E.L.P. (Human Expression Latent Pathway) system becomes a meaningful comprehensive AI “Check-In” approach to assess and address students’ behavioral, emotional, and social needs. H.E.L.P. offers continuous monitoring (real time feedback) that consistently tracks emotional and behavioral trends while enabling timely, relevant support. Our automated reactive signaling acts as an immediate response mechanism when certain thresholds or patterns are detected. This ensures that the system remains vigilant to changes in student well-being and provides immediate, actionable alerts to ensure that interventions are applied when they are most needed.

By integrating insights into student behaviors and experiences, H.E.L.P. minimizes delays in identifying issues and implementing targeted interventions. The system uses a consistent feedback loop to track emotional and behavioral trends over time. This helps counselors and administrators see patterns and changes in each student’s emotions and actions. With this information, they can provide the right support when needed and notice important habits or changes in the student’s behavior.


Performance Overview

  • Analyzes the levels of adaptive behaviors and risk analysis over time.
  • Monitors how the student’s perspective changes over time including shifts towards a more growth-oriented mindset, indicating an increased openness to learning and improvement.
  • Understands whether the student mindset is more outcome-focused (results-driven) or process-focused (valuing effort and improvement).
  • Tracks progress in areas such as learning new skills, adaptability to new challenges, and resilience in facing setbacks.
  • Helps students and families focus on a growth mindset philosophy of continuous improvement rather than one-time achievements.

Milestone Metrics

  • Analyzes student’s mindset as either outcome-focused (results-driven) or process-focused (valuing effort and improvement). H.E.L.P. assists stakeholders in adjusting performance metrics based on understanding context, such as workload, external pressures, or team dynamics.
  • Tracks progress aligned with student’s personal goals and interests. For example, if a student expresses an interest in improving their math skills, the system can set relevant milestones and track progress, sending regular updates and encouraging messages.
  • Anticipates potential challenges or success milestones by analyzing historical data, offering early interventions or reinforcements.
  • Tracks the student’s social relationships to identify how peer interactions influence overall performance and emotional well-being.

Behavior & Emotion Insights

  • Helps identify the specific situations, interactions, or subjects that trigger complex emotions.
  • Allows school personnel the ability to identify patterns of emotional responses, highlighting potential issues.
  • Reveals how well students are managing their emotions, indicating areas where they may need support in emotional regulation, resilience, or coping strategies.
  • Provides insights into a student’s experience with peer relationships, teamwork, and collaboration.
  • The system can detect whether students feel motivated or disengaged and may help identify early signs of mental health.

Transcripts for Parents

  • Provides information about the student’s emotional complexities, allowing parents to better understand their child’s mood fluctuations, triggers, and overall emotional health.
  • Parents can now spot early signs of stress, anxiety, social problems, or disengagement, enabling proactive support before issues escalate.
  • Track progress, seeing whether interventions or strategies implemented at school and home are working.
  • When parents are aware of how their child feels in the school environment, they can collaborate more effectively with teachers, ensuring a unified approach to addressing emotional or academic concerns.


  • Predictive Modeling: By understanding typical thought patterns in different scenarios, H.E.L.P. can predict potential outcomes and help stakeholders (counselors, coaches) prepare strategies for different situations.
  • Resilience Building: Incorporating thinking patterns around stress management and coping allows H.E.L.P. to identify and address burnout risks proactively.

Assessdo appraisals are designed around social, behavioral, and emotional  competencies.

Emotional Well-Being

Helps students stay organized and control feelings.

Diversity & Inclusion

Helps students understand and get along with others.

Communication and Interaction

Helps students make friends  and solve problems.

Personal Growth & Development

Helps students improve strengths and weaknesses.


Helps students choose the best choices for themselves.